UPCOMING EVENT: Virtual Contemplative Prayer Class Starts March 3


A Ministry for Christian Spiritual Formation

Daily Prayer : Retreats : Spiritual Direction : Pilgrimage

Rhythm of Grace is a ministry that teaches and practices contemplative prayer and classical disciplines as a foundation for Christian spiritual formation.

  • Daily Prayer

    This is a gathering where we are learning to listen for God’s voice through the Scriptures, using the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.

  • Retreats

    The spiritual discipline of retreat is not an option, it is essential to one’s spiritual health. Retreats are a fundamental priority in the Rhythm of Grace model of ministry.

  • Spiritual Direction

    Spiritual direction is the ancient practice of inviting a soul-friend to accompany you on your walk with Christ — to listen, reflect, and discern what God is saying to you.

  • Pilgrimage

    Pilgrimage truly is both an outward journey and an inward journey where walking, with intent to encounter God, creates a uniquely physical type of prayer.

Upcoming Events

Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.

What is Rhythm of Grace?

Rhythm  of Grace is a Christian ministry that teaches and practices contemplative prayer and classical spiritual disciplines as a foundation for Christian spiritual formation. We are a dispersed and distinctive community of believers from all over the world, committed to living out a common rule of life that allows us to continually learn to listen, love and live out our faith.