UPCOMING EVENT: Virtual Contemplative Prayer Class Starts March 3

A Ministry for Christian Spiritual Formation
Daily Prayer : Retreats : Spiritual Direction : Pilgrimage
Rhythm of Grace is a ministry that teaches and practices contemplative prayer and classical disciplines as a foundation for Christian spiritual formation.

Daily Prayer
This is a gathering where we are learning to listen for God’s voice through the Scriptures, using the ancient practice of Lectio Divina.
The spiritual discipline of retreat is not an option, it is essential to one’s spiritual health. Retreats are a fundamental priority in the Rhythm of Grace model of ministry.
Spiritual Direction
Spiritual direction is the ancient practice of inviting a soul-friend to accompany you on your walk with Christ — to listen, reflect, and discern what God is saying to you.
Pilgrimage truly is both an outward journey and an inward journey where walking, with intent to encounter God, creates a uniquely physical type of prayer.
Upcoming Events
Daily Morning Prayer
M-F, 7:00AM Central
Contemplative Prayer Class
Mar 5 - Apr 2 (LENT)
Spring Retreat
Apr 25-27
Pilgrimage 2025
Jun 5-13
Summer Retreat
Aug 7-9
Fall Retreat
Oct 17-19

Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
What is Rhythm of Grace?
Rhythm of Grace is a Christian ministry that teaches and practices contemplative prayer and classical spiritual disciplines as a foundation for Christian spiritual formation. We are a dispersed and distinctive community of believers from all over the world, committed to living out a common rule of life that allows us to continually learn to listen, love and live out our faith.