Introduction to Pilgrimage Retreat
March 15-17, 2024
The discipline of pilgrimage requires a larger sacrifice than other disciplines. It takes time and money. It takes a deep emotional, physical and creative effort. It invites discomfort, danger, and movement into the unknown. In fact, the cost for some pilgrimage journeys is, and has historically been, so high that for most people, a pilgrimage is a once-in-a-lifetime event, if at all. Examples of these higher-cost pilgrimages would be trips to the Holy Land, walking the Camino de Santiago in Spain, a journey to Rome or even the Rhythm of Grace St. Cuthbert’s Way pilgrimage walk. These are long journeys to significant but distant lands involving planning, air travel, hotels, and weeks if not months of time.
Fortunately, there are other, more accessible, forms of pilgrimage that involve less time, shorter distances and less sacrifice while still maintaining the critical pilgrimage mindset. That being: walking a long distance, with the intent to encounter God.
The British Pilgrimage Trust partially defines the spiritual discipline of pilgrimage as: “A journey with purpose on foot to holy/wholesome/or special places.”
With this description in mind, Rhythm of Grace has developed a type of introductory pilgrimage which fits within the format of one of our standard retreats at Conception Abbey(a holy and special place). We’re calling it an “Introduction to Pilgrimage Retreat”.
This retreat will be comprised of:
1. Lodging at Conception Abbey
2. Teaching on the discipline of pilgrimage
3. Followed by practice walks with the intent to encounter God
4. Ending at The Basilica of the Immaculate Conception for prayer
5. Sharing of our experiences together
If this sounds interesting or beneficial to you, please register to attend or reach out to Craig for more information.