VISIO DIVINA - The Spiritual Discipline of Godly Gazing

ALL MEETING DATES FOR 2024: 1/27, 3/23, 5/4, 7/13, 9/21, 11/16

If you would like to experience Visio Divina with Rhythm of Grace, please contact Cindy Meyer at 913-549-8575. Our next date for practicing together this year is July 13, at the Nelson-Atkins Museum. 

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Listening for God’s voice is essential to one’s spiritual development. We learn how to listen by reading God’s Word, both in Bible study as well as a devotional reading practice of Lectio Divina. Visio Divina is the practice of listening for the voice of God using our eyes. The practice is much the same as if we were going to practice listening using a Lectio Divina activity.

“We sit down before a picture in order to have something done to us, not that we may do things with it. The first demand any work of art makes upon us is surrender.” C.S. Lewis

Vision Divina helps to rekindle the necessity of art that the Church has historical utilized as a significant expression of God’s voice as well as a tool with which to hear his voice.

“Throughout most of its 2000-year history, the Christian church has embraced the arts. The finest works of many artists were created specifically for the church. At one time the walls, windows and even ceilings of churches were repositories of masterworks…The ancient church fathers understood what we are only rediscovering; that art can communicate a depth of meaning and emotion that words alone cannot express…Art is all around us, in every facet of life. It is not merely entertainment or decoration, but rather a means by which we can communicate to the very heart of our beings. Art transcends all boundaries of time, language, and culture. It makes the intangible tangible. It is how we express our understanding of the world. As such, art is not an option, but a necessity in the life of the church.”