Fall “Alone/Together” Retreat

NEXT RETREAT: October 13-15, 2023

One type of retreat Rhythm of Grace hosts is a contemplative retreat we call Alone/Together. These retreats are the necessary care of the soul that allows the cleansing work of silence and solitude opportunity to refresh. These are not conferences, vacations, or days off; all those have a different part to play in our health. Alone/Together retreats provide space and time to intentionally nurture the development of intimacy with Christ. That doesn’t always mean you come away with good feelings or happiness. But it does provide what is necessary to hear the voice of God at some of the most honest and safest places. It is here that truth is heard, truth about us and truth about God’s nurturing and loving heart toward us.

Winter 2024 Alone/Together Reunion Retreat

NEXT RETREAT: February 23 - 25, 2024

I’ve said this many times before, the spiritual discipline of retreat is not an option, it is an essential to one’s spiritual health. Retreats are not “a little time off”, vacation, R & R, a conference, or a breather from stress. 

Retreats, and here I am referring to spiritual retreats, are the mainstay and stabilizing activity for the soul’s health. Why has our Christian culture not taught us this? Why is it relegated to an option?

 Rhythm of Grace believes in the essential nature of spiritual retreats. We offer one weekend retreat every quarter. We know it’s hard to alter life enough in order to schedule a retreat on our own, so we invite you to come and retreat with us. That is why we call our contemplative retreats Alone/Together.

Spring 2024 Alone/Together Retreat

NEXT RETREAT: April 5 -7, 2024

I’ve said this many times before, the spiritual discipline of retreat is not an option, it is an essential to one’s spiritual health. Retreats are not “a little time off”, vacation, R & R, a conference, or a breather from stress. 

Retreats, and here I am referring to spiritual retreats, are the mainstay and stabilizing activity for the soul’s health. Why has our Christian culture not taught us this? Why is it relegated to an option?

Rhythm of Grace believes in the essential nature of spiritual retreats. We offer one weekend retreat every quarter. We know it’s hard to alter life enough in order to schedule a retreat on our own, so we invite you to come and retreat with us. That is why we call our contemplative retreats Alone/Together.